Tag Archive | drinks

Orthorexia Nervosa

Nowadays nutritionists and psychologists talk about new eating disorder more and more often. The wish to consume only healthy and nutritious products is likely to turn into a real obsession. The excessive concern about healthy eating has received the name “orthorexia”, which is originated from the Greek root “ortho” meaning “right” or “normal”. This term was introduced by Steven Bratman. He wrote a book about the health nutrition addiction. Being a doctor he still was subjected to this problem and had undergone all the tortures of orthorexia. His book “Health Food Junkies: Orthorexia Nervosa: Overcoming the Obsession with Healthful Eating” tell us a real story of a person who finally has managed to cope with his eating disorder. In 70s Steven Bratman founded a community for those who wished to consume only organic food. The basis of their meals was constituted by fresh fruit and vegetables which were grown by the members of this community. These people didn’t consume meat of fish and were to chew each bite of food for no less than 50 times. Gradually the rules became more and more strict. As a result Steven Bratman was mentally and physically exhausted. Luckily he met a monk who explained him the difference between healthy and extreme eating and convinced him that fanaticism and healthy living are not one and the same thing.

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Ideas of Snacks for Unexpected Guests

I am sure we all have faced the situations when we had to feed our friends who have come to visit us all of a sudden. These unexpected visitors usually choose the very moment when only a mouse hangs lonely in your fridge and you have only a vague idea of what you can prepare using your pretty lame cooking skills. I advise you to use one or several of the following recipes in order to save your reputation of a good host. These snacks are easy to make but they are nevertheless tasty.

The first and the simplest dish you can offer to your guests is fruit salad. It cam be made very fast, you need only to cut the fruit you have at your disposal. Besides, you may put in this salad any food you have without following any recipe. The combination of apples and oranges tastes good, but you may also add bananas, kiwis and anything you can find somewhere in the corners of your kitchen. Mix it with some yoghurt and serve it on a beautiful plate. If you have more time to prepare for the visit, you may make your salad look more exotic by putting it in a haft of a pineapple instead of a plate.

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